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Tuesday, December 29, 2015

UNTOUCHABLE DARKNESS by Rachel Van Dyken Review

To love a Dark One is to invite death...

It is wrong to love her.

It is worse to want her.

It is sin to consume her.

I desire all three.

I've been given thirty days to prove my love to another immortal--as a human. Cursed to use nothing but the side of myself I've always despised to win her affection. I am Cassius, the King of the immortals, A Dark One.

And today I tasted fear for the first time.

How can I win her when my human emotions over take every ounce of logic I possess?

A darkness is brewing.
One I cannot stop as a human.
One that Stephanie, my loves visions, have shown, will be my end.
Thirty days ago I was King of the immortals.
Today I know fear.
Today I know how I will die.
By her hand. 
The woman I love.


Untouchable Darkness (The Dark Ones Saga, #2)

Many of the characters have undergone huge changes in this book compared with how they were in the last. Decisions of who is good or bad, strong or weak are constantly adjusting in this series.

Untouchable Darkness is the story of Cassius and Stephanie. The reader follows both on their given paths with flashbacks from the long existence of Cassius and scenes of the battle inside Stephanie's mind. These pieces eventually tie together.

This author has a special gift of combining groups of people and making them family. The pain, humor and love are easy to feel, and I have fallen for each guy.

So much detail was given in the mythology of this universe. I'm eager to see where it heads next. Also, I can't wait to see the other guys with their mates.

***copy given in exchange for an honest review***


Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents 

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